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I&G, also known as disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate, is a food additive commonly used as a flavor enhancer. It is often used in combination with monosodium glutamate (MSG) to enhance the taste of various food products.

Disodium inosinate (IMP) and disodium guanylate (GMP) are naturally occurring compounds found in certain foods, particularly in meat and fish. They are nucleotides, which are building blocks of RNA and DNA. In the food industry, these compounds can be produced commercially from natural sources or through microbial fermentation.

When used as food additives, I&G works synergistically with MSG to enhance the savory taste known as umami. Umami is considered the fifth basic taste, alongside sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. It is often described as a savory or meaty flavor that adds depth and richness to food.

The typical ratio of inosinate and guanylate in commercial I&G products is 50% of each, although variations can exist. The combination of these two compounds enhances the flavor profile of food, making it more appealing to the palate.

It’s important to note that some individuals may have sensitivities or allergies to I&G or MSG. Additionally, certain dietary restrictions or cultural practices may discourage the use of food additives in general. It’s always advisable to check food labels and consult with healthcare professionals if you have specific concerns or dietary requirements.